猜猜亞馬遜和 HBO 的喜劇 Silicon Valley 有什麼共同點?

HBO 喜劇 Silicon Valley 中一段 Gilfoyle 對智慧冰箱惡作劇的戲(來源)
English Commentary
Source: Amazon is reportedly working on a smart fridge that tracks what’s inside
Do you have a smart fridge at home?
Well, I am not an expert and maybe I am a bit ahead of myself, but the news of Amazon smart fridge is under development just makes me think of the brilliant HBO show “Silicon Valley“.
In one of the scenes, one of the main characters, the engineer Gilfoyle wanted to play a prank on his roommate Jian Yang, and he hacked into Jian Yang’s new smart fridge and insert a funny video. And that surprisingly saved their startup Pied Pier (even though just temporary) by uploading all the data they managed to the IoT network of millions of smart fridges. Sound a bit surreal, isn’t it?
In case you’re worried whether your smart fridge could be hacked and upload your personal data, read this and find out: Could The Tech SNAFU in Silicon Valley’s Finale Actually Happen?
Imagine AWS and smart fridges walk hand-in-hand, not for compressing and storing your data, but for aiming at your stomachs and even your wallet.
That being said, no surprise there if this new smart fridge can only keep track of what’s inside and remind you to do grocery shopping. Can Amazon at least embed a feature where the fridge could remind me if I am having a third brownie cake this week?
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原文:Amazon is reportedly working on a smart fridge that tracks what’s inside (亞馬遜據傳在研究一款可以追蹤內容物的智慧冰箱)
我不是專家而且這可能有點天馬行空,但是這個 Amazon 打算開發智慧冰箱的新聞馬上讓我想到 HBO 的影集 “Silicon Valley (矽谷群瞎傳)”
在其中一場戲,主角之一的工程師 Gilfoyle 想對他的室友 Jian Yang 惡作劇 ,所以他駭進 Jian Yang 新買的智慧冰箱 ,然後安插了一段搞笑影片。而令人意外的是,這個無心之舉竟然自動把所有他們負責管理的資料上傳到物聯網,救了他們的新創公司 Pied Pier (雖然只是暫時的)。聽起來好像有點不真實,不是嗎?
如果擔心你的智慧冰箱會不會被駭,上傳你的個人資料,可以讀這篇文章:Could The Tech SNAFU in Silicon Valley’s Finale Actually Happen? (Silicon Valley 最終回的科技大混戰到底現實生活可不可能發生?)
想像 AWS 和智慧冰箱手牽手,這次不是要壓縮跟儲存你的檔案,而是要瞄準你的胃甚至是你的錢包!
話說回來,如果這個新智慧冰箱只能追蹤你買了什麼,或提醒你去賣場補貨,那也太沒意思了 。Amazon 可以至少開發一個功能,在我某個禮拜要吃下第三個布朗尼蛋糕的時候提醒我嗎?
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