Read more about the article 《江/雲・之 /間》 賴聲川乘載桃花源 40 年能量的生命樂章
River/Cloud 賴聲川《江/雲・之 /間》宣傳海報,出自【表演工作坊】官方臉書

《江/雲・之 /間》 賴聲川乘載桃花源 40 年能量的生命樂章

【表演工作坊】2021 新作《江/雲・之 /間》承接經典《暗戀桃花源》,用 3 個小時補足了當年亂世戀人未竟之憾的留白,導演兼編劇的賴聲川用層層文字堆疊出濃度、搭配莊生曉夢般的場景進行思辨,由吟遊詩人譜出餘音繞樑的音符,演奏一場橫跨 40 年的生命樂章。

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Magnificent glacier with snowcapped Mount Cook in the background in South Island of New Zealand.

New Zealand (South Island) – Follow the Footprints of Hobbits to Dreamy Lothlórien and Wicked Isengard

For fans of J.R.R. Tolkien’s masterpiece The Lord of the Rings, you must've heard of Hobbiton, but what else to see in New Zealand? Check out the article to explore South Island of New Zealand, and meet Paradise, Twizel, and Mount Cook.

Continue ReadingNew Zealand (South Island) – Follow the Footprints of Hobbits to Dreamy Lothlórien and Wicked Isengard