What’s your favorite movie? Explore Hollywood confetti with one Neverlandseeker on her journey to the Second Star to the Right!

Read more about the article “Tick, Tick… Boom!” Review: Driven by Fear on Boho Days
Netflix's "Tick, Tick...Boom!" poster featuring Andrew Garfield as composer Jonathan Larson/ Netflix 《倒數時刻》海報:由安德魯加菲飾演已故的音樂家強納森拉森

“Tick, Tick… Boom!” Review: Driven by Fear on Boho Days

Three minutes after “Tick tick BOOM” started, I was blown away by Garfield’s singing of “30/90.” In the background, there was piano playing with allegro, with repetitive chords in the minimalism style, just like the “tick-tock” noise of a clock or a time bomb… 《倒數時刻 》影片開始才三分鐘,我已經被 Garfield 唱的 <30/90> 一曲驚艷,背景傳來越來越急促的鋼琴聲,極簡音樂般的和弦重複出現,有如時鐘或定時炸彈的滴答作響 (Tick Tock)…

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Read more about the article 電影《E.T.外星人》(E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial) – 讓我無緣醫生夢的始作俑者
電影《E.T.外星人》(E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial) 經典的單車飛行場景/The classic bike-flying scene in the movie E.T.

電影《E.T.外星人》(E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial) – 讓我無緣醫生夢的始作俑者

在那天之前,我知道的青蛙解剖全來自 ET 電影一場實驗課的戲;Elliot 搶走瓶子將青蛙全部倒出來,叫牠們趕快逃... Elliot 解放青蛙的一幕跟眼前的景象重疊了,我開始盤算著自己是否可以拯救他們,但理智的聲音又告訴我,教室外面是大馬路呀,牠們跳出去會被路上的車子輾過,要怎麼辦呢,我猶豫著,心裡好掙扎,又責怪自己怎麼這麼沒有勇氣。

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