What Are 3 Traits Important for the Success of a Fintech Hub and Job Seekers
At the end of the day, it all comes down to what pain points are there, which Fintech hubs can catch up with those demands and turn them into sustainable business ideas.
Have you become the person you want to be? Hear Neverlandseeker’s thoughts and tips on how to make a meaningful career and what you should do to get there.
At the end of the day, it all comes down to what pain points are there, which Fintech hubs can catch up with those demands and turn them into sustainable business ideas.
Have you heard about Digital Nomad? As a travel lover who has visited 31 countries prior to the pandemic, the digital nomad life in Croatia seems fucking amazing!
後疫情時代,各行各業都需要數據分析來更瞭解客戶,幫助業績成長。如果你是下面的 6 種人之一,這篇文章應該可以對你有些幫助,happy reading!
1. 想轉職,或想拿證照幫履歷加分
2. 久仰 Coursera 的大名,想找堂課試試是不是真的值得投資
3. 對數據分析有興趣,但是不知道學不學的來
4. 聽聞 Google Data Analytics 課程,還在觀望要不要報名
5. 工作上需要處理數據,想要更精進數據分析能力
6. 因 Work from home 在家工作或 self-quarantining 居家隔離,突然多了很多時間,除了看 Netflix 不知道要幹嘛