【相聲瓦舍】2021 年度大作《三十三》劇評 – 危機、斷捨離、重新出發
Calling out for all theatre lovers, join Neverlandseeker’s theatre adventure when she searches for the Second Star to the Right!
The Midsummer Night's Dream performed by Mariinsky Ballet Company was definitely a whole new level. Costumes were magnificent; even from such a long distance, I could still tell that they must spend a lot of time working on the details. The dance was elegant, unanimous, and light like a feather; I could barely hear the sound when those ballerinas' feet touched the floor...
一群光著上身的舞者入場了,他們跑著,跳著,似乎在做某種訓練,動作整齊劃一,不停變換,我心想這就是傳說中的阿美族巴卡路耐 (Pakarongay) 特訓呀!接著有兩個教練出場了,他們微微駝著背,雙手交叉放在身後,用奇怪的姿勢上下跳動,念念有詞......