
Web3, Defi, NFT, 小孩子才做選擇!讓我們來學點幣圈術語吧!(圖片來源: Unsplash)
Web3 is the buzzword of the year. Whether you entered the Web3 circle via NFT, cryptocurrency, dApp, or crypto game, you might often feel confused about those code-like acronyms on Twitter and Discord. Therefore, I wrote this beginner-friendly crypto slang glossary; hopefully, it can give you a hand if you are still finding your way in the splendid Web3 wonderland.
Web3 是今年最火熱的流行語。無論你是透過 NFT、加密貨幣、去中心化應用,抑或鏈遊踏入了 Web3 世界,你可能常常被 Twitter 和 Discord 上那些看起來像一堆暗號的縮寫弄得一頭霧水,因此,我寫下了這篇新手友善的幣圈名詞筆記,希望能幫助仍在 Web3 這個花花世界摸索的你。
General Web3 Glossary
In alphabetical order:
Airdrop: It happens when a project team sends cryptocurrencies or NFTs to a users’ account directly. From a receiver’s point of view, the action of an airdrop is free. It may be a gift to promote the project, a reward to users meeting some criteria, or the actual NFT delivery when users didn’t provide their crypto wallet address at the beginning. The last case usually happens when the project team targets less-experienced buyers and accepts fiat currencies for payments.
DAO (decentralized autonomous organization): A community with a common goal and is run without a leader. Members join the DAO by buying DAO tokens and later vote to decide whether to execute a proposal. The proposals and the purpose of a DAO are varied. For example, it may be increasing the issuance of its DAO token, hiring someone to work for the DAO, or even buying the US Constitution.
dAPP (decentralized application): An APP runs on a decentralized network so that no one has control over the data on the App. As long as users’ private keys are kept safe, there’s no need to worry about someone tampering with your information temper or leaking your data.
DeFi (decentralized finance): A collective term of FinTech applications run on the blockchain via smart contracts without any intermediaries. An example would be a crypto game with the play-to-earn model.
Doxing/Doxxing: Originally a derivative term from “docs.” It’s a disputable action that reveals someone’s private personal information on the internet.
Fairdrop: While an airdrop gives every qualified user the same amount of crypto assets, a fairdrop usually gives out proportional crypto assets based on the user’s crypto holdings from a snapshot.
GameFi (game finance): A game dAPP providing monetary incentives, such as P2E crypto games.
IRL (in real life): The opposite of the virtual world where Web3 applications reside, similar to “Meatspace.”
IYKYK (if you know, you know): A crypto slang indicating the message or post will only be understood by someone who already has the privilege to access the information.
Meatspace: Same as IRL, it’s the opposite of the virtual world.
Noob: The newbie of a project, it’s the opposite of an OG.
OG (original gangster): People who joined a project at a very early stage and communitiesusually treat them with respect. It’s the opposite of Noob.
P2E (play-to-earn): A type of game (GameFi) where players can earn crypto tokens directly or game props in NFTs form to ultimately exchange for real money.
Shill: It happens when someone promotes a crypto or NFT project on social media out of their interest. It may be for getting a whitelist or raising the price of a cryptocurrency.
Smart Contract: A set of codes that allows two parties to enter an agreement on the blockchain. A smart contract will be executed automatically when predetermined criteria are met. As there’s no intermediary during the entire process, no one can break the contract. Several insurance and lending companies are already exploring their applications in the Web3 domain.
Snapshot:It’s an action to record someone’s crypto holdings on a specific date, which can be used as a reference of an airdrop.
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Crypto Slang
In alphabetical order:
Ape/Ape in: Like “all in,” this crypto slang means investing all your money in crypto or NFT projects. The origin was from an “apes together strong” meme.
ATH (all-time high): An acronym that refers to the highest asset price in history.
BTD (buy the dips): A crypto slang that encourages people to buy an asset even when its price is falling. It often comes from a crypto HODLer who believes in its long-term value.
DD (due diligence): The action to take before investing or purchasing anything to avoid lousy decision-making, often associated with DYOR.
Degen (degenerate): It refers to people who bet on risky crypto assets without doing DD or simply want to pump and dump.
Diamond Hands: Refer to HODLers who don’t sell their crypto assets even when their price is falling. The opposite group would be “Paper Hands.”
DYOR (do your own research): An crypto slang that advises people to do adequate research and DD before jumping into any crypto or NFT project.
FOMO (fear of missing out): It’s a state of anxiety where people constantly worry about missing good investment opportunities, popular project launches, or high-profile events. You can read the relevant Wikipedia page for more detail.
FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt): A strategy of spreading negative or false information to affect the price of a crypto or NFT project. It usually works when the price is dropping.
GMI/WAGMI (gonna make it/we all gonna make it): Acrypto slang works like a pep-talk slogan. An opposite term is NGMI (not gonna make it), a self-mocking statement after a wrong decision due to poor judgment.
HODL (hold on for dear life): A deliberately misspelled term from “HOLD.” It was a popularcrypto slang that was first mentioned in a Bitcoin forum back in 2013, and you can find the detailed story here. Although crypto players initially used the phrase, it’s also seen in NFT discussions lately.
LFG (Let’s F**** Go): A crypto slang used to cheer up others (usually to encourage people to invest), similar to the usage of GMI or WAMGI.
NFA (non-financial advice): An advice similar to DYOR, telling people to do the research themselves instead of blindly following others’ opinions.
Paper Hands: People who panic when the price is falling and quickly sell their crypto assets. The opposite group would be “Diamond Hands.”
Ponzi:It’s a form of financial fraud. A Ponzi scheme encourages people to invest early and get the profit out of the pockets of late joiners. The press sometimes compares crypto investment to a Ponzi scheme, especially when early players are more likely to pump and dump in P2E games or meme coins.
Pump and dump: A fraud action occurs when a group of people promotes crypto assets with false information and then quickly sell-off their assets so that innocent investors suffer losses due to a dramatic price drop.
REKT: A misspelling of “wrecked” that refers to a status of financially ruined, meaning someone experienced heavy losses in crypto space.
Rug Pull/Rug: It’s a scamming activity where the crypto or NFT project team abandons the project and runs away with the funds.
To the Moon:It’s a popular investment saying hoping that the price of a crypto asset can rise off the charts.
Whale: Investors or collectors who own a high-profile or large number of crypto assets. Crypto enthusiasts may follow the trades of such whale celebrities to get a headstart for a project, so a whale’s action may significantly impact the market.
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NFT Need-To-Know
In alphabetical order:
AMA (ask me anything): NFT project teams sometimes hold AMA events on Discord or Twitter to answer NFT holders’ questions in real-time. It can be in either audio, text, or video format.
Burn: As every record on the blockchain is unchangeable, an NFT is theoretically undestroyable, too. However, an NFT project team can delete an NFT by sending it to a black hole (a burn address) where no one has access to it. The reasons for burning are varied. For instance, to fix some issues with the NFTs, replace NFTs with other digital assets, or eliminate outstanding NFTs (like a share repurchase in stocks) to increase scarcity and the value of remaining collections.
Flip: It refers to buying and selling NFTs for a profit in a short period, usually at the early stage of a project with mass speculative investors in the group.
Floor: Refer to the floor price of an NFT. It’s the lowest price among all the NFTs in that specific collection. It can be a popularity indicator for an NFT project.
PFP (profile picture): A form of NFT with an image of headshot, also called “Avatar NFT.”Many famous NFTs fall into this category, such as CryptoPunks, Bored Ape, and Demi-Human. Recently, Twitter announced a new feature to let users change their profile pictures to verified PFP NFTs.
Mystery Box/Blind Box: The random NFT in some projects where the NFT is unknown to the owner when making the purchase. The final NFT will be revealed after a specific date.
Mint: Buying an NFT in the primary market, you may need a whitelist before minting for a popular project.
OS (OpenSea): It’s the biggest NFT marketplace in the world at the moment.
POAP (Proof of Attendance Protocol): A round shape NFT issued by the hosting organization of a virtual or physical event. It runs on an Ethereum-based xDai chain where transactions cost very little or zero fees. POAP owners can demonstrate their collection in the POAP app like badges.
Sweep (the floor): It happens when someone purchases massive NFTs at the floor price. It can be done by the project team or a whale player.
Utility: It refers to the benefits of owning an NFT; it could be entering the network of those NFT KOLs, sharing a project’s profit with other community members, getting a discount from an alliance brand, you name it.
Whitelist: A whitelist is the right to mint an NFT in a primary market. Usually, the project team will set some criteria like inviting X friends to the Discord channel or reaching Y level in the group. One thing to note is that in some cases, a whitelist only gives people the right to mint during a particular time, but the minting itself is a first-come-first-serve basis.
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Cryptocurrency Terminology
In alphabetical order:
Altcoin: It refers to all the other cryptocurrencies except Bitcoin.
AMM (automated market maker): A protocol of DEX that prices crypto assets automatically and provides liquidity to the pool. An example would be the Uniswap program run on the Ethereum chain.
APR (annual percentage rate): The simple return rate for crypto investors who lock their crypto assets via staking, lending, etc.
APY (annual percentage yield):The compounded return rate for crypto investors who lock their crypto assets via staking, lending, etc.
CEX (centralized exchange): It runs similarly to the traditional stock exchange. It’s the opposite of a DEX and accounts for 95% of the trading, according to a 2021 KPMG report.
Dark Pool: A place for block trades where transactions are notpublicly viewable, and two parties can enter the transaction directly. It has less impact on the market and often be used by high-frequency traders.
DEX (decentralized exchange): An exchange allows direct peer-to-peer cryptocurrencies transaction. It’s the opposite of CEX. You can access a popular DEX list here.
Gas: The fee paid to miners for completing transactions on the blockchain. There may be a “gas war” during a popular NFT minting, as people need to pay a higher price to mint the NFT. Sometimes the minting gas may be even higher than the NFT market price.
IL (impermanent loss): The negative return happens when an LP tries to withdraw cryptocurrency, and the value is lower than when it’s staked.
LP (liquidity provider): People who provide liquidity on a DEX exchange for a reward via the act of crypto staking.
Meme Coin: A cryptocurrency usually originates from a meme or an internet joke.
Mining: On a POW blockchain, miners compete to solve computational math problems and the first problem-solver will earn a new block (coin).
MM (MetaMask): A popular crypto wallet run on Ethereum blockchain, can be used as a browser extension or an app.
POS (Proof of Stake): Blockchain protocol that works as a consensus mechanism where validators will be rewarded based on the portion of their cryptocurrency holdings. It operates faster and consumes less energy than the competitive POW protocol, as onlyrandomly-selected POS validators need to validate their staked assets. Popular POW platform includes Cosmos, Solana, and Tezos.
POW (Proof of work): Aconsensus mechanism in the blockchain where users need to make a computational effort to solve math problems. It consumes more energy than POS and is widely used in crypto mining and transaction validation. Familiar POW blockchains include Bitcoin and Ethereum.
Slippage: A term originated from future contracts, which refers to the price difference during a trade when the expected price of a crypto asset changes at execution. It can be either positive or negative.
Stake: It happens on POS blockchains when investors (LPs) commit coins (similar to deposits in a bank) to provide support/liquidity to the network. It helps validators to keep the blockchain safe and secured. The process is similar to mining on a POW network where miners are continuously verifying transactions on the ledger.
Validator: People who receive staked assets, perform assets validation, and earn cryptocurrencies.
Yield Farming: A DeFi action to stake cryptocurrencies at validators’ nodes to provide liquidity to the network and earn crypto assets. The return will depend on the liquidity need of that specific crypto pool.In some cases, investors may receive other cryptocurrencies as bonus bonding rewards.
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Discord Jargons
In alphabetical order:
FAM (family): A short name to address community members in Discord
Fren (friend): A short name for friends in a Discord channel.
GM, GN, GA (good morning, good night, good afternoon): Discord community members often drop the messages to say hi and sometimes use them to upgrade their level in the group. In an international Discord channel, you may see GM at any time of the day.
MOD (moderator): The member who supports everything in a Discord channel. A MOD’s responsibilities may include controlling the quality of the channel, answering queries, encouraging interactions, etc. Its job scope and compensation depend on the agreement with the project team. MODs may get rewards such as a whitelist, free NFT, cryptocurrencies, or even paycheck in fiat currencies.
Slowmode: It’s a setting that only allows members to send one message in a given period. The purpose is to avoid spam messages or bot manipulations to scam the system.
I hope you are not overwhelmed by the 72 crypto terms and slang mentioned above. You can leave a comment below or drop me an email if any questions. Subscribe to my newsletter so that you won’t miss the latest update, or check out my other observer sharing here.
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常見 Web3 詞彙
Airdrop/空投: 指項目方將加密貨幣或 NFT 直接轉到用戶的帳戶。從接收者角度來看,空投完全免費。有時是為了宣傳自家項目當禮物送出,有時用戶滿足某些條件即可拿到空投,而當項目方目標客群包括較無經驗的買家時,有時也會讓買家先以法幣購買,事後才提供加密錢包地址領取空投。
DAO/去中心化自治組織: 一個有共同目標、沒有領導人的組織。成員購買 DAO 代幣即可獲得加入該組織的資格,同時可以依照擁有代幣多寡投票決定是否執行某一提議。DAO 的成立目的和提議項目相當多元;舉凡增加 DAO 代幣的發行量、雇用人員專職為 DAO 工作,甚至可以投票透過 DAO 把美國憲法買下來。
dAPP/去中心化應用程式: 在去中心化網路上運行的 app,由於沒有人能控制 app 裡面的資料,只要用戶保管好自己的私鑰 (密碼),就不用擔心資料跟紀錄被修改或外洩。
DeFi/去中心化金融 : 對運行在區塊鏈上的金融科技總稱,這類應用透過智能合約運作而不須中介機構。號稱可以邊玩遍賺 (P2E) 的區塊鏈遊戲就是一例。
Doxing or Doxxing/肉搜: 英文由文件的格式「docs」衍生而來,乃指在網路上公布私密個人資訊的爭議行為。
Fairdrop/公平空投: 傳統空投會發給每個用戶同樣數量的加密資產,而公平空投顧名思義會依照該用戶在快照當天所擁有的加密資產數量給予不同比例的空投。
GameFi/遊戲化金融: 提供金錢報酬的遊戲 dAPP,如邊玩遍賺 (P2E) 的區塊鏈遊戲。
IRL/真實生活: 英文「in real life」的縮寫,為對照 Web3 運用的虛擬世界說法,另一個類似用法為 Meatspace (肉身世界)。
IYKYK/明白者見了即知: 英文「if you know, you know」的縮寫,加密圈的行話之一,用來表示一段訊息或發言僅有本來就知道的人才看得懂。
Meatspace/肉身世界: 意思同 IRL (現實世界) ,為對照 Web3 運用的虛擬世界說法。
Noob/新手: 指項目裡的新人,和 OG (老手) 一詞相反。
OG/老手:英文「original gangster」的縮寫,指加入項目很久的老手,他們通常在社群備受尊崇,和 Noob (新手) 一詞相反。
P2E/邊賺邊玩:英文「play-to-earn」的縮寫,是一種 GameFi 的遊戲模式,玩家可以從玩遊戲中直接獲得加密代幣或 NFT 型式的遊戲道具,並最終將他們兌換成法幣。
Scientist/科學家: 有時指在加密貨幣、dAPP、DeFi 等項目裡寫電腦腳本並從中套利的玩家,亦是指 NFT 項目負責智能合約的工程師。
Shill/宣傳: 指為了自身利益在社交平台為某個加密項目做宣傳,目的通常是為了得到白名單或提高該加密貨幣的價格。
Smart Contract/智能合約: 區塊鏈上讓兩個使用者進行交易的程式碼,當預先設好的條件成立時,合約會自動啟動;因過程不涉及中介機構,可以確保合約被執行無法反悔。目前一些保險及貸款機構已經在研究 Web3 領域相關運用的可行性。
Snapshot/快照: 紀錄使用者在某一時間點加密資產的所有情形,有時被拿來作為判定空投資格的依據。
Ape or Ape in/壓身家: 出自「apes together strong」的迷因,類似英文的「all in」,指將你全部的資產投入加密貨幣或 NFT 項目。
ATH/史上最高: 英文「all-time high」的縮寫,指該加密資產在歷史上的最高價格。
BTD/逢低買進:英文「buy the dips」的縮寫,鼓勵人們持續買進資產,即便其價格下跌亦然,通常來自相信該資產長期價值的投資者。
DD/盡職調查:英文「due diligence」的縮寫,鼓勵投資人在買進任何資產前應先做足功課,不可躁進。
Degen/墜落者:英文「degenerate」的縮寫, 指未做盡職調查就投入高風險加密資產的投機者,或想拉高出貨大撈一筆的玩家。
Diamond Hands/鑽石手: 指幣圈的長期持有者 (HODLer),即使加密資產價格下跌他們也不願意賣出,與此相反的一群人稱為紙手(Paper Hands)。
DYOR/自己做研究: 英文「do your own research」的縮寫,鼓勵人們買入任何加密貨幣或 NFT 前應做足功課。
FOMO/錯失恐懼症: 英文「fear of missing out」的縮寫,指人們因害怕錯過好的投資機會、熱門項目的發行、或大型活動而患得患失的心情。更多說明請參照相關維基百科條目。
FUD/懼惑疑: 英文「fear, uncertainty, and doubt」的縮寫,是一種散佈負面或不實資訊來影響價格的手法,在該加密資產價格下跌時較常發生。
GMI or WAGMI/會成功的、我們會成功的 : 英文「gonna make it/we all gonna make it」的縮寫,是一種為他人打氣的用詞。相反的用語為「不會成功的 (NGMI/not gonna make it)」,通常是自嘲自己的判斷力不足而做出錯誤決定。
HODL/長期持有者: 最早來自 2013 年某個比特幣論壇出現的「HOLD (持有)」一詞拼寫錯誤,後來也有人解釋為英文「hold on for dear life」的縮寫。該用語早期僅用於幣圈,現在也常見於 NFT 社群。
LFG/讓我們該死的衝吧: 英文「Let’s F**** Go」的縮寫,是幫他人打氣的說詞,在幣圈通常用來鼓勵大家投資。
NFA/非投資建議: 英文「non-financial advice」的縮寫,鼓勵大家自己做研究,不要盲目聽信他人意見。
Paper Hands/紙手: 指當資產價格下跌時會因為害怕而迅速將其出清的投資人,與之相反的族群被稱為「鑽石手」。
Ponzi/龐氏: 一種金融詐騙模式,龐氏騙局發起人鼓勵用戶儘早投資,便可獲得後進者投資的資金。加密投資有時會被媒體拿來跟龐氏騙局做比較,尤其是邊賺邊玩的 GameFi 遊戲或迷因幣的投資都很容易遇到先進者拉高出貨的情形。
Pump and Dump/拉高出貨: 一種透過多人散佈不實資訊來哄抬價格,再迅速賣出以便獲利的非法行為,不知情的投資人常會因為之後的資產價格大跌而蒙受巨大損失。
REKT/毀滅下跌: 英文「wrecked」的錯誤拼法,指投資人因其加密資產價值大幅縮水而蒙受巨大財務損失。
Rug Pull or Rug/抽地毯: 俗稱的跑路,指加密項目的創辦團隊突然拋棄該項目並捲款遣逃的詐騙行為。
To the Moon/直上月球: 一個受歡迎的投資用語,希望該加密資產的價格能一飛沖天、直上月球。
Whale/鯨魚: 指擁有知名項目或大量加密資產的投資者跟收藏家,一些幣圈用戶會追蹤這些鯨魚玩家的交易以便搶得先機,因此這些加密名人的一舉一動都可能牽動市場。
NFT 必學詞彙
AMA/常見問題: 英文全稱為「ask me anything」,NFT 項目方會在 Discord 或 Twitter 上舉辦 AMA 活動,透過語音、文字,或視訊方式即時回答持有者的問題。
Burn/燒毀: 因為區塊鏈上的紀錄都是不可竄改的,NFT 發行後自然也無法變更,但項目方可以透過將該NFT 傳送到一個沒有人可以進入的黑洞 (燒毀地址) 來將其刪除。燒毀 NFT 的原因有很多,如為了更正 NFT 的問題、將該 NFT 置換成其他數位資產,或藉由減少流通在外的 NFT 數量來增加其稀有度及提升項目的價值 (類似股票回購)。
Flip/翻轉: 指短時間內買賣 NFT 來獲利,通常發生在項目早期,社群裡有較多投機者的階段
Floor/地板價: 指某一 NFT 項目中 NFT 的最低價格,有時被拿來作為評斷該 NFT 熱門程度的指標。
PFP/頭像圖片: 英文全稱為「profile picture」,是一種頭像 NFT,目前多數知名的 NFT 項目都屬此類,如國外的 CryptoPunks、Bored Ape,跟國內的 Demi-Human。最近 Twitter 也宣布要增加讓使用者可以自由將頭像換成認證過 NFT 的新功能。
Mystery Box or Blind Box/盲盒: 在某些項目中 NFT 所有者購買時會先得到一個隨機的盲盒,在特定日期後才會揭曉買入的 NFT 究竟是哪一款。
Mint/鑄造: 指在一級市場購入/鑄造 NFT,在某些熱門項目中用戶需要先拿到白名單才能在第一時間購買該 NFT。
OS: 指目前全球最大的 NFT 交易平台 OpenSea。
POAP/出席證明協議: 英文全稱為「Proof of Attendance Protocol」,是一種圓形的 NFT,由線上或實體活動的舉辦單位發行作為出席證明。POAP 發行於以太坊上交易成本極低的 xDai 鏈,其所有人可在平台上像徽章一樣展示他們的 POAP 收藏。
Sweep/橫掃(地板): 指以地板價購入大量 NFT 的行為,可能出自項目方團隊或鯨魚等級的用戶。
Utility/賦能: 指擁有 NFT 得到的附加價值,形式不限,全依項目方的用心程度和創意而定 ,賦能的例子如可以進入 NFT 大咖的社交圈、和其他社群成員一起分享該項目的收益、拿到合作品牌的折扣等等。
Whitelist/白名單: 指可以進入一級市場購買 NFT 的權利。通常項目方會設定一些白名單的門檻,如需成功邀情 X 位朋友進入 Discord 社群,或需在該頻道達到 Y 等級等。要注意的是在某些項目中,白名單持有者僅有在一段時間內鑄造該 NFT 的權利,但是最後購買成功與否仍採先搶先贏的模式。
肝: 台灣特有 NFT 俚語,從「辛苦工作=賣肝」的說法衍生而來,指花費大量時間精力來取得某一項目白名單的行為。
Altcoin/其他貨幣: 指比特幣以外的所有加密貨幣。
AMM/自動造市商:英文全稱為「automated market maker」,一種 DEX 交易所協定,可以自動為加密資產定價並為資金池提供流動性。知名的 AMM 有以太坊的 Uniswap。
APR/年報酬率、APY/年化報酬率: 英文全稱分別為「annual percentage rate」及「annual percentage yield」,指投資人透過質押或借貸等行為取得的單一或複利報酬率。
CEX/集中式交易所、DEX/去中心化交易所: 英文全稱分別為「centralized exchange」和「decentralized exchange」,前者類似傳統股票交易所,根據 2021 年的一份KPMG報告佔了目前交易額的 95%;後者允許用戶間直接進行加密貨幣交易,熱門的 DEX 交易所清單可參見這裡。
Dark Pool/暗池:不對外公開的大額批量交易市場,用戶間可以直接進行交易,因此對市場影響較小;常被高頻交易者使用。
Gas/礦工費: 指欲在區塊鏈上完成交易需付給礦工的手續費。熱門的 NFT 項目鑄造時可能發生礦工費戰爭,因為用戶需要支付比該 NFT 發行價格還要高的礦工費來鑄造該 NFT。
IL/無常損失: 英文全稱為「impermanent loss」,指 LP 提領加密貨幣時發現其市場價值低於當初質押時價格,造成報酬為負的情況。
LP/流動性提供者: 英文全稱為「liquidity provider」,即透過質押在 DEX 交易所提供流動性以取得一定報酬的用戶。
Meme Coin/迷因幣: 指由迷因或網路玩笑衍生而來的加密貨幣。
Mining/挖礦: 在 POW 的區塊鏈上礦工利用電腦運算力爭相解開複雜數學問題的行為,先找到解答的用戶(礦工)即可得到一個區塊/加密貨幣作為報酬。
MM: 即 MetaMask,是一款支援以太坊的熱門加密錢包,可以透過瀏覽器的擴充功能或專屬 app 運作。
POS/權益證明: 英文全稱為「Proof of Stake」,是一種區塊鏈上的共識機制協定,驗證人依照其負責的加密貨幣多寡得到報酬;因為只要求隨機挑選的驗證人為其帳上的質押資產進行驗證,和 POW 相比運作更快也更節能。熱門的 POS 平台包含 Cosmos、Solana,和 Tezos。
POW/工作量證明: 英文全稱為「Proof of work」, 為一種區塊鏈上的共識機制協定,用戶須耗費大量電腦資源來解決複雜的數學問題以進行挖礦或交易驗證,和 POS 相比對能源消耗較多。常見的 POW 區塊鏈為比特幣區塊鏈和以太坊。
Slippage/滑價: 從傳統金融機構的遠期合約或外匯交易衍生而來,指交易過程中預估的加密貨幣價格在最後執行時因市場波動發生改變,此變動對交易者來說可能有利也可能更不利。
Stake/質押: POS 區塊鏈上投資人 (LP) 綁定加密貨幣以提供流動性給特定資金池的行為 (類似銀行定存),可以幫助驗證人維持該區塊鏈的穩定和安全。此過程類似 POW 鏈上的挖礦,因為後者的礦工也是持續進行分散式帳本的驗證。
Validator/驗證人: 指收取質押者的加密貨幣、進行加密資產驗證,並取得一定加密貨幣作為報酬的區塊鏈用戶。
Yield Farming/流動性挖礦: 一種 DeFi 運用,用戶將加密貨幣質押給驗證人的節點,為該區塊鏈提供流動性並獲取報酬。其投資報酬高低取決於該資金池對加密貨幣流動性的需求程度,在某些情況下投資人可能會得到不同於當初質押的加密貨幣幣種的額外加密貨幣作為加碼獎勵。
Discord 俚語
FAM/家人: 即英文的「family」, 是對 Discord 群組成員的通稱。
Fren/朋友: 即英文的「friend」,為一種 Discord 群組成員的通稱。
GM, GN, GA/早安、午安、晚安: 即英文的「good morning, good night, good afternoon」,Discord 社群成員常用這些簡稱來打招呼,有時也拿來增加對話數幫自己升等。在國際的 Discord 頻道在一天的任何時段你都會看到有人用 GM 來打招呼。
MOD/管理員: 即英文的「moderator」,是Discord 群組的角色,該人員會支援群組的大小事,如維持社群品質、回答疑難雜症、鼓勵成員互動等,其詳細工作範疇和報酬取決於和項目方的協議。常見的 Mod 獎勵如得到 NFT 白名單、免費的 NFT、加密貨幣、甚至是以法幣支付的薪水。
Slowmode/慢速模式: Discord 的設定選項,可以限制用戶只能每隔一段時間在群組內發送一則訊息,通常是為了避免大量垃圾訊息充斥版面或防止機器人繞過系統做出惡意行為。
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