
If you have read some of my articles, you might know how I love to think outside the box and offer my ideation when reading the news.
Today, the ideation subject is the legendary automaker, Tesla. According to Tesla’s software update this week, it is adding a Cloud Profile feature so that drivers can take their car settings on the go.
While the actual release date is not confirmed yet, many believe it has something to do with Hertz, the car rental company. The word on the streets is that Hertz, which filed for bankruptcy in May 2020, is buying 100,000 EV cars from Tesla. Once the deal goes through, Hertz’s customers can drive in their most comfortable setting wherever they are.
It’s common to keep your driver seat and mirror settings in your car’s smart chip. Benz and BMW have provided these features for years. But Tesla can do more. Tesla drivers can set up their preferences such as steering wheel, air conditioning, acceleration, and the speed limit in autopilot. No more accidents resulted from not getting used to a rented or borrowed car.
Previously, my idea of cloud sync was in file synchronization. Never did it occur to me that you can synchronize technical settings across different devices. My imagination goes wild, and I begin to think about what other applications can there be.
Maybe we can have our taste recorded in a restaurant system, so no need to add “no spicy” or “no broccolini” when placing an order in an affiliated restaurant? Speaking as a picky eater, it will be a game-changer!
Or perhaps the smart home device can recognize and even predict my listening ritual. It might be able to automatically play Ed Sheeran‘s music when I get back from work or give me some Coldplay during my weekend outing.
How about going a bit further? One day SpaceX will make traveling between Mars and earth as easy as taking a high-speed train. Then its AI booking assistance can remind the space attendant to give me noise-canceling earbuds and a glass of lemon water to ease the discomfort from zero-G.
I might be getting a bit ahead of myself here, but the choice seems limitless.
What will be your choice if you can customize something to go?
If you also have some “thinking outside the box” ideations, give me a shout-out below or drop me an email to tell me all about it.
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今天,我的發想對象是傳奇的電動車製造商,特斯拉。根據這篇報導 (Exclusive: Tesla adding ‘Vehicle Sync’ feature to driver profiles/ 獨家:特斯拉將在駕駛的個人設定中增加「車輛同步」功能),特斯拉本週發佈的一些軟體更新中,其中有一項是可以將個人設定做雲端同步,這個功能可以讓駕駛把他們的車子設定帶著走。
儘管實際上線時程尚未確定,很多人相信這個更新和 Hertz 赫茲租車公司有關。目前的小道消息是 2020 年 5 月曾經申請破產的 Hertz 將和特斯拉訂購 10 萬輛電動車;一旦這筆交易發生,Hertz 的客戶不論在哪,都可以在駕駛租來的特斯拉時套用他們最舒服和習慣的車輛設定。
由你的車子晶片自動記憶駕駛座椅跟後照鏡的位置不稀奇,賓士跟 BMW 早就可以做到了。但特斯拉可以做得更多,特斯拉的車主還可以在個人設定中記憶方向盤位置、空調喜好、加速能力、自動輔助駕駛的速限等駕駛偏好。以後無論是租車或借別人的特斯拉開都不用怕因為不習慣而出槌。
又或許家裡的智慧裝置以後可以辨別跟預測我的音樂習性;例如它可以在我從工作返家時自動播放紅髮艾德 (Ed Sheeran),或在週末出遊時來首酷玩樂團 (Coldplay) 的曲子!
如果再想更進一步又如何?有一天 SpaceX 可能會讓往返火星跟地球像坐高鐵一樣簡單,那時候 AI 訂位助理就可以在我坐定後提醒太空空服員給我一個降噪耳塞跟一杯檸檬水來緩解零重力的不適。
你也有一些天馬行空的發想嗎?歡迎在下方留言或透過 email 跟我分享。
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