Do you know there’s a secret tunnel under The Grand Hotel Taipei? This article is a brief note about my sentimental visit in Dec 2022.
Half-day tour at The Grand Hotel Taipei
You may have heard from the news or movies that setting up a secret tunnel for any country’s president or leader is a must so that the leader can quickly move to a safe place and resume operation, shall there be a war.
In 2019 the well-known The Grand Hotel Taipei opened up its secret tunnel to the public, which used to be the escape route of Taiwan’s former president Chiang Kai-Shek. The hotel recently added the tunnel exit in the tour after its 50 years of closure.
As a fan of the spy thriller, the Arsène Lupin novels, and the underground base, how can I miss the opportunity to explore a secret tunnel!?
In addition to the tour, I also booked an English afternoon tea set at the hotel’s Garden Café. I planned to have a relaxing tea time after the tour. I struggled to wear either comfy pants for the slide in the tunnel or a beautiful dress to eat gracefully. As it turned out, that was an unnecessary worry; allow me to explain later.
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Sneak Peak at the West Secret Tunnel
The tour of the West Secret Tunnel is open from 2019 to 2024, which includes the introduction of the tunnel and the hotel itself. The tour lasts for 70 mins, and you will get an audio player when checking in.
There’re two secret tunnels in The Grand Hotel, and I visited the West Secret Tunnel. I recommend making the booking in advance as it’s popular on weekends.
The tunnel is short (speaking from someone who experienced the super-long underground shelter subway in Moscow), with a bit steep stairs. As for the most-anticipated slide, it turned out that we were forbidden to give it a go! That disappointed me, as I meant to find the missing reporter!

Having said that, I was excited to see the newly-open tunnel exit. The swirling trees are a natural curtain, just like the Ghibli animation Castle in the Sky‘s lookalike Temple of Ta Prohm of Angkor Wat. Neither the designer nor the possible tunnel user can ever imagine that things can change so much after more than six decades. The neighbourhood of the exit is now at the city centre, where people come and go and never notice such a historical site.
It made me feel sentimental. For decades, people almost forgot the fear and nerves caused by war, and these facilities are supposed to be the weekend getaway for the offspring. Nevertheless, the sense of stability seems to be shaken these days. Let’s hope that history will be on our side.
The exploration of the West Secret Tunnel finished in 15 mins. Are there other fun facts about the East Secret Tunnel, as it was designed for government and foreign officials back in the day? I wonder. One day I may visit it too.
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The Design that Transcends Time
The next stop was to learn the genius design of the hotel. There is the “Well of the Plum”, which accumulates the essence of dragon and phoenix, the marble lambs that represent good fortune are a perfect match with the red columns, the ancient coin made of room key became a coin wall, the famous golden dragon with its surrounding wishing pool, etc. Thanks to architect Yang Cho-Cheng, the man who also designed the well-known Chiang Kai Shel Memorial Hall; these masterpieces transcend time and still look stylish after 70 years.
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Restaurents in The Grand Hotel
My final review is on the restaurant.
The highly-expected afternoon tea at the Garden Café was not as good as I thought. Not only because we didn’t dine in a garden but also because my supposedly relaxing afternoon was somehow ruined by the noisy rehearsal of a Christmas event and the 50-min wait for pastries. Hope The Grand Hotel will improve its service quality to match its reputation.
Meanwhile, I later discovered that my afternoon tea set in Dec 2022 was with a chrysanthemum theme, making all the dessert favour quite unusual. The fusion-style would be an impressive selling point, and I recommend ordering the tea that matches that season’s theme. The only drawback is that there’s only one type of dessert in this set for two. It would be so much better if I have more than one bite of scone.

The restaurant that I recommend is the Yuan Yuan Restaurant. The menu is similar to Din Tai Fung; the Chinese dim sum was a delight to the tongue, stewed beef noodle soup was a yummy choice, and the rich-favoured red bean cake, which is my must-have at Din Tai Fung, was also a must-have of former president Chiang Kai-shek’s wife.
Nowadays, The Grand Hotel no longer serves only celebrities and government officials. Given I only had time for a few anecdotes and design stories during the packed 70-min tour, I expect the 70-year-old (as in 2022) Grand Hotel to transform gradually. And one day, it can mix tradition with innovation and eventually launch new features that can brow my mind when I visit again.
Hope you like my introduction of the Secret Tunnel of The Grand Hotel.
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密道行程的完整名稱是【尋祕圓山,密境之光】西密道導覽文化之旅,目前開放到2024年底,不知道之後會不會再延長,當天志工會帶團進行為時70分鐘密道加飯店導覽的行程,報到時會發導覽用的子母機連地下室的密道都聽得很清楚 (所以還無法無視導覽志工的催促)。

話雖如此,看到密道盡頭新開放的出口還是蠻開心的,盤根錯節的樹木形成天然的屏障,讓人聯想到神似動畫宮崎駿天空之城的吳哥窟塔普倫寺(Ta Prohm),不論是密道的設計者或原本可能的使用者想必都無法想像,超過一甲子的歲月早已物換星移,附近車水馬龍,人來人往渾然不知有這樣的存在。
想想還是惆悵的,過去數十年人們早已淡忘對戰爭的緊張與恐懼,因時代而生的設施本應只會是後代假日休閒的去處,然而在近年來似乎又不這麼確定了,暫且希望History will be on our side。


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