What You Need to Know When Using AI and ML for Open Banking
Open Banking. Everyone talks about it, everyone has a positive view of it, yet, seldom anyone tells you what problems you may face when you getting your hands dirty.
Open Banking. Everyone talks about it, everyone has a positive view of it, yet, seldom anyone tells you what problems you may face when you getting your hands dirty.
I think we all agree that "diversity and inclusion" should be valued in the workplace. Then, does that apply to "machine ethics" as well?
後疫情時代,各行各業都需要數據分析來更瞭解客戶,幫助業績成長。如果你是下面的 6 種人之一,這篇文章應該可以對你有些幫助,happy reading!
1. 想轉職,或想拿證照幫履歷加分
2. 久仰 Coursera 的大名,想找堂課試試是不是真的值得投資
3. 對數據分析有興趣,但是不知道學不學的來
4. 聽聞 Google Data Analytics 課程,還在觀望要不要報名
5. 工作上需要處理數據,想要更精進數據分析能力
6. 因 Work from home 在家工作或 self-quarantining 居家隔離,突然多了很多時間,除了看 Netflix 不知道要幹嘛