讚賞公民 Web3 – 支持創作有價的買幣、換幣、委託經驗分享
「讚賞公民 Web3」(Civic Liker) 2月在紛紛擾擾中上線了,本持實驗精神的我決定挑戰「七步成讚賞公民」。若你符合以下三點,絕對不能錯過這篇文章: 1. 你想支持「創作有價」 2. 你是幣圈小白,沒有交易所買幣經驗 3你對傳聞的讚賞公民很好奇,想知道葫蘆裡到底在賣什麼藥
「讚賞公民 Web3」(Civic Liker) 2月在紛紛擾擾中上線了,本持實驗精神的我決定挑戰「七步成讚賞公民」。若你符合以下三點,絕對不能錯過這篇文章: 1. 你想支持「創作有價」 2. 你是幣圈小白,沒有交易所買幣經驗 3你對傳聞的讚賞公民很好奇,想知道葫蘆裡到底在賣什麼藥
If you are a beginner like I once were, you might be scared off by all those funny-looking acronyms at first. Therefore, I wrote this beginner-friendly crypto slang glossary for guidance-seekers who just entered the Web3 wonderland.
I thought I was lucky. Very few people in my chat room got a number less than 10,000. So I began to think about how many NFTs I should buy, given the quota for one person was to buy 25 NFTs. Finally, it was my turn. I happily clicked the confirm button. Then, the tragedy happened, and I got an error!