New Zealand (North Island) – Follow Hobbits to Enchanted Shire and Mordor
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to consider the following before you decide to set foot on J.R.R. Tolkien and Sir Peter Jackson's Middle-earth.
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to consider the following before you decide to set foot on J.R.R. Tolkien and Sir Peter Jackson's Middle-earth.
在 2019 年末以在本傳電影總是驚鴻一撇的獎金獵人為主角的影集《曼達洛人》(The Mandalorian) 橫空出世 ... 這個可愛的新角色讓人無法 say no,Baby Yoda 不只賣萌,還會知恩圖報用原力幫主角 Mando 趕走壞人,不會說話但會嘴饞到處偷吃點心...