The Space – Not a Pixel War but a Cohesion Calling
...suddenly, I noticed some annoying green boxes started to wipe off my hard work. It seemed that we were losing the game. Luckily, a clever player offered a solution...
...suddenly, I noticed some annoying green boxes started to wipe off my hard work. It seemed that we were losing the game. Luckily, a clever player offered a solution...
回到我們稍早的行銷策略討論,既然每天都有無數的熱情創作者投入 NFT 市場,你要如何在人群中脫穎而出呢?首先,你需要準備一個好故事;就像那位用自己的程式創造出像素鯨魚的 12 歲男孩。也可以讓知名角色助你一臂之力...