AI in Banking: Which is Better? Result or Ethics Driven?
I think we all agree that "diversity and inclusion" should be valued in the workplace. Then, does that apply to "machine ethics" as well?
I think we all agree that "diversity and inclusion" should be valued in the workplace. Then, does that apply to "machine ethics" as well?
UX (User Experience) 使用者體驗在現代非常受到重視,連 Google 都在 2021 年開始以 UX 的優劣為網頁排名;而 「mobile-first (行動優先)」更是多年來一直被呼籲的設計重點,不管你身處在哪個產業,接下來都不能忽視這場以使用者體驗大旗掀起的炫風。
第一次聽到 BNPL 這個詞是在一個英國的 Podcast 節目 11: FS,當時覺得是個很好的概念。但若是 BNPL 平台業者開始將這些小額債權「證券化」可又是另一個故事了,還記得 2008 年的次貸風暴嗎?