⟪短評⟫ 新的金融世界將是靈活、直覺,且無形的 — 論 UX 在銀行的重要性
![[Commentary] The New Era of Money is Slick, Intuitive, and Totally Intangible - Power of UX in Banking 遊戲化的使用者體驗設計應用於銀行 app; Gaminification UX Design in Banking App (Source)](https://i0.wp.com/neverlandseeker.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Gamification_in_banking.png?resize=748%2C440&ssl=1)
What do you think of when it comes to “UX in Banking“?
The idea of this article comes from a piece I read the other day, “New Era of Money is Slick, Intuitive, and Totally Intangible” by Rachel del Valle. It’s about the attitude change in the financial industry regarding Graphic Design (part of the UX Design family). Due to the rise of FinTech startups like the online stock trading platform Robinhood, we see traditional industry players such as Goldman Sachs began to pay more attention to Graphic Design, and that was reflected in their newly-launched app.
I enjoyed reading this article, probably because the Google UX Design course I took earlier this year had opened a new door for me. Now I tend to pay more attention to every little UX detail, especially for UX in Banking.
“…There’s a reason why classic bank architecture is all in the classical style, like Greek columns and all that nonsense.” These symbols of “security and stability” — columns, vaults, marble — “helped people feel comfortable giving their money over to this institution and going to that institution for other financial needs….”
The above excerpt emphasizes the importance of Graphic Design or UX Design in banking. Banks’ design concept is to make customers feel “safe and stable,” just like those Greek columns so that customers would be willing to trust the banks with their valuable belongings.
User experience is more valued nowadays in every sector, and mobile-first has become a notion that industry players can not ignore. And that’s why UX in banking should be taken more seriously when rolling out a new product or designing a customer journey.
Understandably, incumbents’ apps may find it hard to compete with those young FinTech challengers, as the former usually have legacy systems and more regulatory concerns.
Still, that’s not an excuse. I’m glad to see traditional banks are finally moving. Incorporating UX in banking and specifically in their CVP (Customer Value Proposition) will be a good start. There may be some fantastic sparkle. And maybe one day we can see a fully-gamified design from one of them!
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說到「UX in Banking」你會想到什麼?
自從學了 Google UX Design 的課程,我就對生活中大大小小的 UX Design 使用者體驗設計細節特別注意,難得看到一篇關於金融業 Graphic Design 平面設計的文章,決定分享一點淺見。
The New Era of Money is Slick, Intuitive, and Totally Intangible (撰文者為 Rachel del Valle)
全文大意是在分享金融業對 Graphic Design (UX Design 一環) 態度的轉變:因爲 Fintech 金融科技業者的崛起 (以投資平台 Robinhood 為例),讓老字號的傳統金融業者如 Goldman Sachs (高盛) 也開始重視設計的重要,並開始應用在他們新推出的 app 上。
“…There’s a reason why classic bank architecture is all in the classical style, like Greek columns and all that nonsense.” These symbols of “security and stability” — columns, vaults, marble — “helped people feel comfortable giving their money over to this institution and going to that institution for other financial needs….”
![[Commentary] The New Era of Money is Slick, Intuitive, and Totally Intangible - Power of UX in Banking 這種古希臘的柱型建築是否帶來莊嚴又穩定人心的感覺呢?(圖片來源) Bank UX Design via Greek Columns design thinking](https://i0.wp.com/cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/1440/1%2A_5jvTVGKT1GmgfQpN8R5iw.jpeg?w=1200&ssl=1)
UX (User Experience) 使用者體驗在現代非常受到重視,連 Google 都在 2021 年開始以 UX 的優劣為網頁排名;而 「mobile-first (行動優先)」更是多年來一直被呼籲的設計重點,不管你身處在哪個產業,接下來都不能忽視這場以使用者體驗大旗掀起的炫風。因此,UX 應該更被重視,不論是要推出新產品,或是設計客戶旅程都需要將它納入考慮。
傳統金融業者在和那些Fintech 的後起之秀相比時,的確容易在 UX 領域處於下風,畢竟前者的平台往往受限於諸多老舊系統,而法規的種種規範又讓他們綁手綁腳。
然而,從 Goldman Sachs 的例子我們知道傳統金融業者開始動起來了;我相信在 CVP (客戶價值主張) 裡面納入更多使用者體驗的元素會是個很好的開始,可以期待有很棒的火花產生,或許有一天還可以看到他們推出完全遊戲化的驚豔設計!
希望你喜歡我的第 2 篇新聞短評,如果你也對金融產業有興趣,或對這篇新聞有什麼想法,歡迎在底下留言或透過 email 寫悄悄話給我~
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